Wednesday, September 8, 2010


My Instructors
I had my first burlesque class last night... got to say I was pretty nervous. When i arrived the studio was aligned with feather boas, books on burlesque and our adorable instructors with colorful hair styled like pin ups.

As I am an eager beaver, I was the first to arrive but soon the studio filled up with ladies from all walks of life. As we drank beer and wine and ate lots of cheese and cookies, we learned about the class and about burlesque. I learned that our group number will involve cute little saloon inspired outfits and I also learned that solos are MANDATORY. Not 30 seconds mandatory... 3 - 5 minutes mandatory! Pretty scary stuff. Not only do I have to design my own costume for my solo, I have to think of my own act. I thought then and there that vomiting was a very real possibility.

But! After listening to our instructors and my class mates who range from clown school graduates to mothers I couldn't be more excited to dive right in and learn more and more about burlesque and prepare for my solo act.

Our assignment this week is to start thinking about our solo acts and think of a name. I ran a poll last week for my burlesque name but after hearing funny suggestions such as Kitty Kitty Gang Bang I decided to opt for something more 'punny'. So, I would like to announce you can refer to me as Rufflesilkskin (I gotta star moisturizing STAT) just like the evil fable character Rumpelstiltskin.

I'll be researching all week on what I want to do with my solo act. I think I definitely want to sing and maybe try my hand in comedy. Any suggestions... I'm open!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My Bucket List

Me skydiving... and crying
Although life lists came into the spotlight when the movie Bucket List with Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson was released in 2007, I penned my personal bucket list when I was 12. Since then I have added on to it and have even been able to cross out a few things. Here it is in no particular order...

Get married

Have Kids

Learn a song on the guitar- Jingle Bells December 13th, 2005

Be an honor student- (check)

Feed tofu to a Venus Fly Trap

Climb the stairs of the Eiffel Tower- (Summer 2009 check!)

Walk on the Great Wall of China-(July 2007 check!)

Hang Glide

Sky Dive

Bungee Jump- (Summer 2009, Switzerland, Check!)

French kiss a French man

Eskimo kiss an Eskimo

Go on the ultimate road trip

Hula dance in Hawaii

Ride a unicycle- (Sam's house check!)

Model- (check!)

Be in a movie (check! Hot Rod extra)

Follow a limo

Watch the sunrise- (check! many times over)

Fall in love (check!)

Pet a lion

Ride an elephant - (check! Thailand, 2010)

Win a major contest

Graduate-(check June 2007)

Go to college- (Check, BCIT)

Buy a star

Date a celebrity


Score a point on an organized sports team

Get a tattoo-(Check x 3)

Get baptized (Check, November 28th/04)

Record a song (Check! I'm In the Band!)

Punch someone square in the face

Be a guest on a talk show

Get to Italy-(Summer 2009, Florence, Verona, Rome and Venice)

Appear on a reality show

Visit all the continent

Get to Greece

Get to Spain- (Summer 2009, Barcelona, Check!)

Go to Oktoberfest in Munich

Participate in La Tomatina in Spain

Go to New Orleans for Mari Gras
Hopefully by the time I decide to kick the bucket (pun intended) I will have added even more to the list and have crossed all of it out!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The 10 Commandments Every Transit Rider Should Follow

Thou Shall Not be a Jerk
Dear Public Transit Users of the Lower Mainland,

As a dedicated BC Transit user for over 10 years, and over those years I have seen it all while getting from point A to point B. I have witnessed patrons throwing up, singing opera and even a man with a pigeon on his head (a memory I shall always hold dear), and although those particular experiences stand out, they don't reflect the every day rudeness that I witness on the transit lines. If you or someone you know take public transit in Vancouver, please uphold yourself to this oath:

As a regular public transit rider I vow to respect my fellow riders by doing the following:
  1. I shall take excellent care of my personal hygiene by brushing my teeth, showering and wearing deodorant on a regular basis.
  2. I shall not eat hot, stinky food until I have exited the Skytrain.
  3. I shall give my seat up to the elderly, disabled, pregnant and (if male) women (especially cute ones).
  4. I shall understand that everyone doesn't enjoy the same emo music that I do and turn my iPod down.
  5. I shall let others leave the skytrain or bus before entering
  6. I shall not push people (here's looking at you old Asian women) to get the seat I want.
  7. I shall not make anyone feel super awkward by singing aloud to my iPod.
  8. I shall make room for everyone by making my way to the back of the train/bus if crowded.
  9. I shall move to the seat closest to the wall if sitting in a double seat
  10. I shall understand that seats are meant for people not bags or dogs.
If you would like to dedicate yourself to these rules I encourage you to leave your name in a comment below!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Burlesque Name

Dita Von Teese
I have courageously signed up for Becoming Burlesque classes with Screaming Chicken Entertainment. The class is a 2 month intensive workshop that aims to turn an ordinary gal like me into the next Dita Von Teese. Speaking of the famous Dita, her real name is Heather Sweet, still pretty saucy if you ask me.

For the BB workshop, I will need to create my own burlesque alter-ego but since Sasha Fierce is already claimed, I would love some input. Please vote for which name you like best on the HOME PAGE.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Favorite Commercials of Childhood Past

I was watching TV with my 8 year old sister the other day when I noticed all the commercials I have dearly missed. My TV family used to consist of the Trix bunny, Barbie and random characters telling me not to do drugs (you've been a great help). Now it consists of Puck from Glee and botoxed 50 year olds from Desperate Housewives.

So, I thought I'd search the web for some of the commercials from my childhood that I remember most. While this is in no particular order, the acne commercial and 'don't put it in your mouth' take the cake for me.

1. Acne Commercial - Too Many Chocolate Bars

2. Don't Put it in Your Mouth

3. Body Break

4. Guess Who

5. Connect Four

6. Don't Wake Daddy

7. Megazord Power Rangers

8. What do you Mean Barqs has Bite?

9. Blockbuster - Ray and Carl

10. Stay Alert, Stay Safe